automation flows

Automation design and templates has a number of automation processes going on in the background based on our suggested best practices for converting childcare enquiries into enrolments.

These in-built processes do the heavy lifting for you, automating repetitive tasks so you either don't need to do them (such as setting up a calendar task to review a new enquiry) or, ensures you don't forget a particular lead that needs attention at the right time.

Other CRM systems require you to know what best practices are and to do the work to set them up and to fine-tune them. With our years of experience, we understand what is most important to the vast majority of our users.

Read on to see a summary of the key automation flows within and to note where you can adjust the automated templates, to better complement your service, if required.

Note/ many emails - and SMS - are used in our automation flows.  Edit the templates used within these flows via Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates.

Tour automation
Book a tour 

When a tour is booked in a number of automation processes are triggered.

  •  A task is created automatically in the primary CRM users calendar and the time slot booked out on the services Tours Calendar
  •  An automatic confirmation email is sent to the parent with the tour details (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Tour booking - confirmation)
  •  An SMS message is sent to the parent as a reminder before the tour
  •  The lead stage for the opportunity updates automatically to Tour Booked

Send tour invite

Send a tour invite from the Family profile page. This links to your real-time Tour Calendar, with availability set by you, so the family can book a time that suits them.

  • An email is sent to the family with a link and an invite to book a tour (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Tour booking - send tour invite)
  • The calendar will only show the times the user has set as available for tours. Edit your calendar availability via Tours Calendar > Availability Settings
  • Reminder sent automatically if the family hasn't booked a tour 48hrs after the invite is sent.
  • Follow-up Call task is set 72hrs after the invite was sent if parent hasn't booked a tour.
  • Once the family completes the tour booking process, the lead stage is automatically updated to Tour Booked and the automation processes (outlined above in "Book a Tour") begin.

Reschedule a tour

If a tour is rescheduled, we send an automatic email to the family with new tour information. (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Tour booking - confirmation)

Tour completion

After a service tour is completed, the user marks the task as completed.

  • An automatic feedback survey email is sent to the parent (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Tour booking - feedback)
  • The stage is automatically changed to Tour Completed
  • When a parent completes the feedback form, a task is automatically created to review that feedback and act on it. 
  • A follow-up call task is automatically created due in 24hrs

Waitlist/family portal auto-management automation

Update waitlist status 

Inside Waitlist> Auto-management, set up how often you want to send automatic emails to families with a link to update their Waitlist status.

  • An automated email is sent to the family with the periodicity selected by the user. The email includes their waitlist details and a link for the family to access the Family Portal and edit their information. (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Portal - update information, request)
  • When a family updates their Waitlist information inside the Family Portal, an automated email is sent to the family confirming the changes (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Waitlisted - updated information, confirmed)

When a child is added to the Waitlist


  • If a family completes the waitlist form, an automated email confirmation is sent to the family (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Waitlist - confirmation). The stage is automatically set as Waitlist
  • If a user changes the stage of an opportunity manually inside  and sets it as Waitlist, the CRM gives you the opportunity to send an automatic confirmation email to the family (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Waitlist - confirmation)

Family Portal - A family needn't wait to receive an auto-management email to change their status.

  • The family has 24/7 access to the Family Portal embedded in your centre's website
  • Family enters their email address and receives an automated email with a link to access the Family Portal. (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Parent request portal link)

When a parent unsubscribes from the waitlist through the Family Portal, they're required to select an option and provide some quick feedback via a pop-up form. 

  • Feedback is stored inside the family information page  
  • If a family select an option expressing they're no longer interested, the pipeline stage is automatically changed to Lost Opportunity and the family is opted-out of automated communications 
  • If a family select an option to unsubscribe but show interest in enrolling their child in future, the stage remains as Waitlist but the family is opted-out from automated communications for the time being.

Offers flow automation

Offers sent to families

Send an offer of enrolment to a child

  • A custom offer of enrolment is created within the child's profile. The offer gets generated when you send it via email or when you choose to copy the link to send it yourself through another channel. The stage is updated automatically to Offered
  • When sending an offer via email, a pre-populated email template will pop up for the user to edit with a link to access the offer (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Offer of care - new)
  • Once the offer is sent a status will be created and stored within the Family's profile. This will be updated when the parent accepts, rejects, or the offers expires. Therefore tracking the offer in real-time.
  • Automated email reminders will be sent to the family if they've not accepted the offer. Reminders are sent after 48hrs, and again, 24hrs before the offer expires. (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Offer of care - reminder)

Offer link is accepted by family


  • An automated confirmation email is sent to the parent (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Offer of care - accepted) 
  • A review task is created and saved within the family's profile and also in the My Open Tasks panel to follow-up

Offer link is rejected by family

  • Families are prompted to give feedback when rejecting an offer. This feedback is stored in the family's profile
  • If a family's feedback option states they're no longer interested, the stage of the opportunity gets changed to Lost Opportunity and an email is automatically sent to the family (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Offer of care - rejected lost opportunity)
  • If a family's feedback option states that they wish to receive another offer, we request further details regarding the specifics of the offer required. The stage of the opportunity is updated to Waitlist. An email is automatically sent to the family (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Offer of care - rejected new offer) 
  • A review task is created and saved within the family's profile and also in the My Open Tasks panel to send a new offer to the parent.

An offer expires

  • When an offer expires an automatic email (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Offer of care - expired) will be sent to the family 
  • A review task is created and saved within the family's profile and also in the My Open Tasks panel to follow-up this expired offer. The stage will automatically change back to Waitlist.

Select here if you'd like to learn more about the Offer flow in-built into

Enquiry form automation

Family completes enquiry form

Family completes enquiry form

  • An automated email is sent to the family (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Enquiry - web) new family leads auto-response provides new leads to a service

New family lead is added into the CRM

  • A review task is created to act on the lead
  • An automated email is sent to the new family lead