Get started... in three Simple Steps. 
Get started using by entering the details of your last enquiry.

1  Add a Family
Families are made up of parents, children & opportunities. 
Add a new family directly from the dashboard. Use the shortcut in the top left  + New Family. 

PARENT - Enter one or both parents. Store details like email, phone, home address.
CHILD - Add a child (or children) to the family - store name and date of birth. 
OPPORTUNITY - Opportunities - or leads - are attached to a child and encompass all stages of the sales process, from New Enquiry, to Waitlist, through to Enrolled. Complete the details to track the opportunity. 

*Care start date and days are required - at initial enquiry stage. We recommend you estimate this and update the information later if needed. View this opportunity in the Sales & Tasks funnel on the dashboard.

 Add a Task
Whether it’s scheduling a follow-up call with the family you’ve just added, or a team meeting, tasks keep a busy service effortlessly organised. From the dashboard, they can be added via the My Open Tasks panel by selecting the Add Task + tab. Complete details and add task. View your new task in the My Open Tasks panel on the dashboard.

 Tour Invite

When a family wishes to book a tour of your service, it can be done in multiple ways. 

A - directly from the dashboard using the shortcut in the top left  + Tour  (*select if you’ve agreed a tour date/time).

B - via a link placed on your website or social page (we can help with this). 

C - via the Families page in the CRM. 
Search for the family using the search bar in the top right of the Families page, select the family by clicking on the parent and their pop-up window will open. Choose the + option.

Choose Send Tour Invite from the dropdown box, allowing you to send an email invite with a link embedded.

The link (available in options B and C), lets a family book a service tour at a date & time convenient to them.

The process automatically updates the opportunity stage in the CRM to Tour Booked (helping track the progression of the lead); saves a record of the tour invite being sent within the family; adds the tour date and time to the 
CRM Calendar (located on the dashboard, via Tasks Funnel).

Set availability periods so families can only book tours at times that fit with the service. Avoiding peak times and ensuring the appropriate staff numbers will be present to assist. 
To set availability visit - CRM Dashboard > Full Menu (accessed via the horizontal lines in the top left corner) 
> Tours Calendar > Availability Settings.