My open tasks panel
Dashboard >  My open tasks

Tasks keep a busy service effortlessly organised. In Occupancy CRM they can be viewed, added and marked as completed directly via the My open tasks panel found on the dashboard. Utilise it in the same way you would a traditional 'To-Do' list.

My Open Tasks
See all current tasks in the My Open Tasks panel. Tasks options include: call, email, book a tour, review, general.

Basic information is required to create a task. Once created, select the task easily from the My open tasks panel to edit, add details, or change the status. 

Task status - Changing the status helps track the progress of your task. Know what is underway, and what has been completed. Colour coded for easy recognition, simply click on the status icon to update it.

Not Started (blue) 
In Progress (yellow) 
Completed (green)

Updating the status to
Completed will resolve the task. It will no longer appear in the My Open Tasks panel.

Tasks that have gone beyond the assigned date and time will display in red. A prompt to assess the task and assign a new future date, or mark as completed.

Create a Task 
Tasks can be added or created directly from the My Open Tasks panel by selecting the Add Task + tab.
Complete details (a red asterisk
* denotes a required detail) then choose Add a Task.