Best practices - adding families to your waitlist manually 

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There are multiple ways to add a family to your service waitlist. One way is to do so - manually - at the request of the family (*perhaps via a phone call or email). Remember, all leads (or opportunities) are attached to an individual child in

Add a new family - from the waitlist page in
Choose Create family + from the top right-hand corner > be guided to complete the parent and child details > select the stage as waitlist. 

*Worth noting - when initially adding contact details into for a new family, be sure to include a valid email address (it's worth double-checking every full-stop and hyphen!) as many features - including our time-saving automation features like confirming a family still wishes to be on your service waitlist - require an email address to work. 

Add an existing family - via the families page in 
First search for the family > select the child to be added to the waitlist > then change the stage of the child in the sales funnel to waitlist.

**TIP - when a family is added to your waitlist manually, it's best practice to follow-up by sending a confirmation email so they know they've been added. A benefit of sending this confirmation internally through is that a record is then saved within the family's profile, easily accessed at any point in the future. offers a selection of saved templates - including a waitlist confirmation template - to simplify this process. While the templates are editable, the main outline is included for easy use.
Accessed via the Families page > search for and select the parent to open their profile pop-up > choose the envelope icon to email them > choose the relevant template from the email template drop-down box.