offers flow

The entire offer and acceptance process can be automated via There is an in-built flow that guides you through the entire process, effortlessly. No paperwork required. To understand the process, see Streamlining the offer-and-acceptance-process.

Let us breakdown the offers flow... 

Design offer 

So you’ve matched a family to the enrollment opportunity. Great! The next step is to present the family with an offer of care. 

  • Select the offer details - everything from the care start date to the specific days and whether there’s a bond required. Once the details are finalised, the offer is generated and sent to the family to officially accept. 
  • Create offer via > Dashboard > Waitlist > Search for the parent > choose the Action option (three vertical dots) immediately next to the parent > select Send offer.  At this point, an offer pop-up screen will open.
  • Be guided to complete the online offer steps, then select proceed to send and choose whether to email internally through or externally through your service email. 
  • At the point you select Copy link or Send email an offer link is generated, collating the details entered. Generating the offer will also save a record within the family's profile for future reference.

Offer status

The status of an offer is how you'll instantly know what stage the process is. 

  • There are four stages within the offer process - Offer created > Send options > Send offer > Accepted.
  • Selecting Copy link or Send email will generate the offer, then update the status to Offer Created and Send options
  • Once you've selected the options and sent the offer the status will again update to Send offer
  • The final status of Offer accepted will only be updated once the family has accepted the offer through the email link provided.
  • The status is displayed along the top of the offers pop-up screen whilst the offer is being created, then can be accessed historically within the family's profile. 

Reminders are automatically sent to the family. 

  • When an offer is created it requires an expiry date set by you. If the offer isn't immediately accepted by the family there are automated reminders in place to prompt them to either accept the offer, or, get in touch with you to make an amendment to the conditions. 
  • Automated reminders are sent to the family after 48hrs and again 24hrs before the offer expires.

When an offer is rejected, the family are guided to provide feedback. 

  • Feedback clarifies why the offer has been rejected. It confirms whether the opportunity has been lost, or, whether the family require an adjustment made and a new offer sent.

Automation features
Once an offer is created, has a number of automated features in place to help follow through. 

  • The stage is updated in the Sales Funnel from Engaged or Waitlist to Offered. You'll be able to see at-a-glance in the Sales Funnel (via the Dashboard) what the current stage is. 
  • Stages are assigned to an individual child within a family
  • The stage will update automatically to Enrolled once accepted by the family. If the offer is rejected a task will be automatically assigned (see below) and depending on the feedback provided by the family, the stage will be updated to Waitlist or Lost Opportunity.
  • When an offer expires an automated email is sent to the family informing them, they get placed back on the waitlist again and a Review task is created.

There'll likely always be busy families who don’t respond to an offer. Tasks help you follow-up.

  • At the point your offer reaches the expiration date, the family will be notified by email and a Review task is allocated to the tasks list (accessed via Dashboard > Tasks) for follow-up
  • A record will also be saved within the family's profile for historical access. 
  • Outlining the details of the child, family and offer, the task assigned will provide the opportunity to follow-up further (perhaps with a phone call to confirm their continued interest), or mark within the Sales Funnel as a Lost Opportunity
  • Either way, this task will need to be marked off your Tasks list manually, so cannot be overlooked or forgotten.

Select here if you'd like to learn more about other automation flows in-built into