The Leads page

Dashboard > Leads

With multiple columns, the Leads - or opportunities - page contains at-a-glance details on each family stored in From the date they were added, contact details, whether the family has siblings, etc. Scrolling right allows you to access this information.

Leads are classified into the following stages within the sales process - known as the sales funnel. 
Enquiry > Engaged > Tour Booked > Tour Completed > Waitlist > Offered > Enrolled > Lost Opportunity > Graduated > Withdrawn.

Follow a family from initial contact (Enquiry), through the various stages leading to enrolment. Then archive accordingly (Graduated or Withdrawn) when a child leaves care. 

The top right-side of the horizontal menu allows access to a Search field. Enter a parent or child’s name and hit enter to search. 
There’s also the option to Create Family + directly from the Leads page. 

The leads page primarily focuses on pre-enrolment stages as these are the opportunities during the sales/enrolment process. Therefore you can filter under the following stages: Enquiry, Engaged, Tour Booked, Tour Completed to see the opportunities available. 
The advanced filter option (Filter on/off) allows an in-depth search, specifying dates, days of the week, sales stages, etc. 

Updating Stages
Update each stage as it progresses through the funnel to manage enquiries and enrolments. 

Manually updating Stage from the Leads page - 
In the Stage column > select the family you wish to update > hover over the stage > a pink “pencil” icon will appear > select pencil to open a pop-up editing window.

In the editing pop-up window, select the dropdown box (set to “Tour Booked” in below example) > choose the new stage from the list > and hit the pink Update button to update the stage.

Certain stages update automatically. For example, when an offer of care is sent through the stage updates to Offer Sent, then if the family accepts the offer online, their stage updates from Offered to Enrolled within the CRM.