The tasks and tours page

Dashboard > Tasks

The tasks and tours page provides a complete list of all tasks and service tours, filtered into categories - Future - Overdue - Completed - All. 

Add a new task via the Create Task or Tour + link in the top-right corner.

Task Status
Changing the status of a task helps track the progress. Know instantly what has not yet been started, what is underway, and what has been completed. Colour coded for easy recognition - 
Not Started (blue)  
In Progress (yellow) 
Completed (green)

Change Status 
Changing a task status is done manually, from the right side of the Tasks & Tours screen by selecting, and updating, the task status. Otherwise, it can be updated from within an individual task pop-up window.

Updating a task status to Completed will resolve a task. It can still be viewed when filtered under Completed tasks, but will no longer appear in your list of tasks to complete.

View or edit task or tour details
To view or edit details in any task, select the task or tour booking and click through to see and edit the details. See linked family members, email or phone directly from the task window, reschedule meetings, add notes, or see a record of previous activity.

Parent meetings versus Internal Meetings
When setting a task, there's the option to choose either a Parent Meeting or an Internal Meeting. What's the difference? 
Parent meetings - are considered external events and therefore appear on the service's appointments calendar. Seen by all users. Nothing can accidentally be booked simultaneously onto the appointments calendar, causing a clash of external appointments, eg/ like a parent meeting and a service tour.
Internal meetings - appear only on the My tasks calendar of an individual user (unless specifically assigned to a different user). Generally, the My Tasks Calendar involves internal service tasks like phone calls and emails.

**TIP// Three vertical dots 
Down the right-side of the Tasks and Tours page is an icon represented by three vertical dots. This allows quick access to edit any individual task or tour in your list. Change details or delete a task directly from here. 

My tasks calendar
The My Tasks Calendar is where all internal tasks and meetings appear in date order. View your assigned tasks for the week, add new tasks directly from here, or edit/view the details of each task. Access the My Tasks Calendar along the top of the Tasks page.

Appointments calendar
The Appointments Calendar is where you can view external bookings & meetings - like service tours, orientation appointments and parent meetings. It can also be accessed from along the top of the tasks page.