Email templates within
Dashboard > Families 

To assist with the quick composition of emails, a selection of basic - editable - templates have been pre-loaded into covering a variety of subjects. Each template can be individually adjusted prior to sending (some require care start dates, children's names, etc), but the basic outline of the email is there to get you started. 

Accessing email templates
From the dashboard, select Families from the menu and search for the family you wish to contact.

Click on the parent to open their profile. Select the envelope icon from the pop-up to compose an email. The email address will automatically populate with the address stored in the family's profile (you can choose to override this address if needed). The option to CC or BCC is also available.

From the Email Template drop-down, select one of many saved template responses.

The template chosen will then display in the email body field. Add an email subject, then either send the email as is or choose to adjust - by clicking into the email body and adding/deleting text as needed.

Attaching files
When composing an email, choose to include an attachment, add a document, or insert an unsubscribe link. All available, with a single click, at the bottom of the editor.

Worth noting/ the email templates can be customised to suit your service. New custom templates can also be created for multiple use within See custom email templates.