FAQ - Reviewing previous leads

When a lead is updated to withdrawn or a lost opportunity, is there a way to access again in future if needed?

Yes. If a lead stage is updated to withdrawn or lost opportunity you can still historically access that information and the previous engagement. However, it's worth noting that if the lead has been deleted, the information is lost.

If a Vacancy.care user manually updates a stage to withdrawn or lost opportunity, is a reason for this update logged in the family profile for future reference?

Yes. A pop-up box is provided when a stage is updated to record the reason the opportunity may have been lost.

If a parent updates a stage to withdrawn, is a reason for this update logged in the family profile for future reference?

Yes. When a parent withdraws their interest in your service, a message is logged in the family profile noting that feedback has been received from the family to state that they're no longer interested.