What exactly is the Smart Wizard?

The Occupancy CRM Smart Wizard can pinpoint the best waitlist opportunities for your service…

At any given time, if a place becomes available in your service use the Smart Wizard to filter the best opportunity to suit your needs. Whether that be an enrolled child needing extra days, a sibling ready to start care, or a new family whose requirements match the exact days on offer.

Families on your waitlist

Whether a family has added themselves to your service waitlist via your website, or been in touch and been added manually, specific details are recorded and maintained through the CRM. Things such as the date they joined the waitlist, the age of the child, whether they already have a sibling enrolled in your service, and the days they’d like. 

Smart Wizard in action

When a vacancy becomes available, the Smart Wizard will help narrow down the best opportunities by matching the waitlisted families, to the place available. This is done by entering information, eg/ the place will be available in one month, it will be in the babies room, and is for two days per week.

The Smart Wizard will process this information, and offer a list of potential families. Sorted by the most appropriate matches for the opportunity on offer, and taking into consideration a variety of factors, eg/ whether the family has been waiting a considerable amount of time for a place; whether that family have another child already enrolled with your service and if those days align with the days on offer. It will also note the child’s age at the available start date, to ensure they’ll be the correct age to fit the place, hence ensuring your service stays within the required ratio of Educator to child.

Assistance and guidance

To make the selection process easier, we’ve built-in visually helpful information along the way to make your choice clearer. 
Examples of this include
1 x pink e - denotes an enrolled family  

2 x pink e’s - denotes a particular child enrolled.  

There always be difficult decisions due to the nature of the childcare enrolment process. Do you offer the place to a single mother who works full time? Or to a family with a sibling in your service who’ve been patiently waiting months for this place? The job of the Smart Wizard is to make your decision process easier and more efficient.

Accessed within the Waitlist page, Smart Wizard is located along the top - Dashboard > Waitlist > Smart Wizard.