Streamlining the offer-and-acceptance process

Once a family is ready to proceed with care... 
The entire offer and acceptance process can be conducted via Effortlessly. No paperwork required. 

Once you’ve decided on the right family, where do you go from here?
Perhaps you've used the Smart Wizard, but either way, you’ve matched a family to the enrollment opportunity. Great! The next step is to present them with an offer, which can be actioned directly via  Following some simple online steps, you’re guided easily through this process. An offer link is generated collating all of the bespoke information you’ve entered (care start date, specific days required, whether there’s a bond required, etc). You’re then able to send the offer directly to the family through our editable online template, or instead, copy the offer link and send it through your own email. 

Automated features
Once the offer is created, has a number of automated features in place to assist you with following through. 

Firstly, the Sales Funnel updates the stage from Engaged or Waitlist with your potential customer, to Offered. Allowing you to track multiple families, and multiple opportunities simultaneously, while being clearly guided through the various stages. Ensuring you always know which stage you’re at with individual families and opportunities, allowing you to prioritise who may need to be followed-up. 

Ideally, the family to whom you’ve sent an offer of care will accept the offer via their email link promptly, which will update the stage in the sales funnel to Enrolled

You select the timeframe for a response on an offer. If there is no prompt response within this allocated timeframe, automated follow-up email reminders will be sent to remind busy families. 

Even with a clear expiration date included in your offer, and automated reminder emails, there will likely be busy families who don’t respond. At the point your offer reaches the expiration date, the family will be notified and you'll have a Review task allocated to your My Open Tasks panel and a record of the offer will be stored within the family's profile for follow-up. 

Outlining the details of the child, family and offer, the Review task will give you the opportunity to follow-up further (perhaps with a phone call to confirm their continued interest), or mark within the Sales Funnel as a Lost Opportunity

Either way, the task will need to be marked off your tasks list, so cannot be overlooked or forgotten. Select here to see an outline of the entire offers flow.