Families page

Dashboard > Families

An overview of all families stored within Vacancy.care.
Families can be stored and accessed here, irrelevant of whether they have an enrolled child in the service or not.

Icons used throughout Vacancy.care provide information. Three examples include:

Person icon - indicates a parent. Pink or blue colouring indicates their gender.
Child icon - indicates a child. Pink or blue colouring offers their gender.
Pink 'e' icon - indicates whether the family are enrolled in the service. 
**An 'e' immediately next to an individual child specifies which children within the family are enrolled.

Families consist of parents, children and opportunities 
All related information is stored together, in the one convenient place, including specific notes and history. Track all engagement and activity with a family.

Add a family
To add a new family, select Create Family + in the top right.

To access a specific family, use the search bar in the top right. Search the parent or child’s name and hit enter.

> Enter details of one or multiple parents. Store phone numbers, emails, home address and notes.
> Give conversations and sales a personal touch by adding notes to a family or child eg- “mother is pregnant, due in September”.
> Flag whether the child has a sibling which may be a future opportunity for your service.

Add a child
Be guided to add a child to the family. S
tore name and date of birth and any important notes
> Mark whether the child qualifies for priority access.
> Give conversations and sales a personal touch by adding notes to a child eg- "Eliza has an egg intolerance. Special menu required".
> Multiple children can be added to each family.

Add an opportunity
Opportunities are assigned to individual children (*not a family or parent).
Families select a child, then choose from the different options to add an opportunity.  
*Note, you will be guided through this process when you first add a family.

Opportunities include such things as -
Start date; room or age group the child intends to enrol in; the number of days the family has requested;
whether the family requires specific days or is flexible regarding those days.

In the below example - 
A child has been added to an after-school-care waitlist. Parent has emailed the request (the specifics are noted).
The child is added directly to the waitlist, and a message confirmation is sent to the parent via Vacancy.care.
When a vacancy becomes available, refer to the waitlist and a place can be
offered from within Vacancy.care.

Assign a stage to the opportunity 
To easily track opportunities through the sales funnel, each opportunity is assigned a stage. Stages include -

Enquiry  >>

Engaged  >>

Tour Booked  >>

Tour Completed  >>

Waitlist  >>

Withdrawn <<

Graduated <<

Lost Opportunity <<

Enrolled <<

 Offered << 

Vacancy.care allows you to follow a family from initial Enquiry, through the various stages leading to enrolment.
Archive accordingly
Graduated/ Withdrawn when a child leaves care. 

Using the example of the stage on the previous page, which is Waitlist, when a vacancy becomes available the stage progresses. It would, therefore, be updated to Offered and eventually Enrolled

Certain stages update automatically. An example of this is when the offer-and-acceptance process is managed through Vacancy.care . When a family accepts an offer of care online, their stage updates from Offered to Enrolled within the CRM.

Updating stages from within the families page
Stages can be updated manually as the enrolment process moves through the sales funnel, to manage enquiries and enrolments.
Select the
Child then edit the Opportunity to update the stage, along with any other details within the opportunity.

Quick Guide -
Create family > add parent/s > add child/ren > add opportunity > select a stage in the sales funnel