tours flow has an in-built flow for booking and completing service tours. There is a designated sequence for the flow, along with built-in time-saving and organisational features worth utilising.

Tour automation sequence 

Tour booked

When a tour is booked in a number of automation processes are triggered.

  •  A task is created automatically in the primary CRM users calendar and the time slot booked out on the services Tours Calendar
  •  An automatic confirmation email is sent to the parent with the tour details
  •  An SMS message is sent to the parent as a reminder before the tour
  •  The lead stage for the opportunity updates automatically to Tour Booked

Send tour invite

Send a tour invite from the Family profile page. This links to your real-time Tour Calendar, with availability set by you, so the family can book a time that suits them.

  • An email is sent to the family with a link and an invite to book a tour 
  • The calendar will only show the times the user has set as available for tours. 
  • Reminders are sent automatically if the family hasn't booked a tour
  • Once the family completes the tour booking process, the lead stage is automatically updated to Tour Booked and the automation processes (outlined above in "Book a Tour") begin.

Reschedule a tour

If a tour is rescheduled, an automatic email is sent to the family with new tour information. 

Tour completion

After a service tour is completed, the user marks the task as completed.

  •  An automatic feedback survey email is sent to the parent (Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates = Tour booking - feedback)
  • The stage is automatically changed to Tour Completed
  • When a parent completes the feedback form, a task is automatically created to review the feedback and act on it. 


Tours Calendar 

The Tours Calendar is where service tours are booked.

  • Accessed by families to select a convenient day and time to tour your service via an emailed link or directly from your service website
  • The Tours Calendar filters appointments into your calendar in real-time 
  • When a tour is booked automatically creates a Tour task (Dashboard > Tasks, or, Dashboard > My Open Tasks).  

Availability Settings

Provide guidance for families booking a tour of your service via the Tours Calendar

  • Set boundaries for families booking a service tour by pre-selecting appropriate days and times frames for them to select from. 
  • Lock-in these settings for your tours calendar via Main Menu > Tours Calendar > Availability Settings

Learn more about setting-up Calendar Availability here.

When a tour is booked in, reminder are sent to assist the families. 

  • An automatic confirmation email is sent to the parent with the tour details
  • An SMS message is sent to the family as a reminder before the tour

After a tour is completed feedback is collected.

  • Mark the tour as completed within via the Tasks page (Dashboard > Tasks) or the My Open Tasks panel (Dashboard > My Open Tasks), which will:
  • Remove the task from the Tasks list 
  • Trigger an automated email to the family requesting their feedback on the tour. Including the service, the cleanliness, etc. 

Tour feedback is invaluable to any service. Read why here.

Website link
Embed a tour booking link directly onto your service website or social page.

  • Capture a new market by allowing instant tour bookings for customers searching for care
  • Access the code from (via main menu > tour calendar > website link) and to embed it, either use your own tech expert or contact us if you need some help 

Read how to embed a tour booking link onto your website here.

Tasks are automatically created during the tour booking process. 

  • When a tour is booked, a task is created automatically in the primary user's calendar and the time slot booked out on the service's Tours Calendar 
  • After a service tour is completed, the user marks the task as completed via the Tasks page (Dashboard > Tasks) or the My Open Tasks panel (Dashboard > My Open Tasks). This will automatically update the opportunity stage to Tour Completed.

Templates are a significant part of the automation sequence.

  • Automation templates can be customised to better represent your service (via Main Menu > Campaigns > Automation Templates)
  • Measures have been taken so the automation templates cannot be accidentally deleted - just edited

Select here if you'd like to learn more about other automation flows in-built into